On Wednesday 17th July, MPCT Sports & Exercise College Cardiff held their Awards Ceremony in their college at Channel View.
Local sports stars came out the event to hand out prizes to our very deserving Learners, which you can see below. Congratulations to all Learners and Staff involved, it was a brilliant afternoon.
Ben Donavan receiving “Player’s Player” presented by James Benjamin of The Dragons.
HArry Mends receiving “Most Improved” presented by James Benjamin of The Dragons
Joshua Nicholas receiving the “Core Values” Award, presented by Kieran Elliott, an ex Student who currently coaches Newport County development.
Lauren Sullivan receiving “Volunteer of the Year” Award, presented by Newport RFC’s Jonny Morris
Liam Williams Arlott receiving “Best Turned Out” presented by Ex Student Kieran Elliott
Tufail Zaman receiving “Superstar” Award presented by Jonny Morris
Wiktoria Kaputska receiving “Most Promising Student of the Year” Award presented by James Benjamin